Select the correct answer:

1. Identify the work which is written by William Wordsworth.

2. Match the characters in Column A with the story titles in Column B:
Column A Column B
(a) Sue 1. The Open Window
(b) Ivan Dmitritch. 2. The Last Leaf
(c) Monsieur Sauvage 3. Lottery Ticket
(d) Vera. 4. Two Friends
(a) (b) (c) (d)

3. Match the characters in Column A with the story titles in Column B:
Column A Column B
(a) Gomathi 1. Every living thing
(b) Mr. Dick 2. Holiday
(c). Mme. Loisel 3. Reflowering
(d) Bagha Bagdi 4. The Necklace

4. Choose the odd pair from those given below:

5. The Poet Jack Prelutsky was born in

6. Match the name of the author with the s'story:
The selfish Giant 1. Pearl S Buck
Out in the fields with God 2. Oscar Wilde.
(c) The Refugee 3. Anton Chekhov
(d) The Lottery Ticket 4. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
(a) (b) (c) (d)

7. Choose the appropriate antonym of the underlined word from the options given below: 'Her face had an expression of absolute serenity'

8. Which nation does Stephen Vincent Benet belong to?

9. Walt Whitman's, 'O Captain ! My Captain ! is a__________ written for the death of Abraham Lincoln.

10. Identify the poet who is not an Indian.